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Ubuntu Team - Resources, Supports, Links & Action Plans
School Culture Partnership (Overview Docs)
School Culture Partnership Framework Overview 24-25
Dates to Note Overview 2024-2025 (Print & Share for Calendar Planning)
*Evergreen Maintenance Model = Next Steps After Year 3
UBUNTU Learning Platform Placemat - finding my way around!!!
Connect RP Keywords Legend (School Culture Partnership)
Action Plans for UBUNTU Team 2024- 2025 (Directed by Connect RP)
Year One Only - Top 5 Priorities
Action Plan Aug/Sept - 5 Things to Do
Oct - Action Plan - 5 Things to Do
Nov/Dec - Action Plan - 5 Things to Do
Jan/Feb - Action Plan - 5 Things to Do
March/April - Action Plan - 5 Things to Do
Restorative Us Programme (Yr 1 only)
Yr 1 Schools - Restorative Us Programme Overview
Yr 1 schools - Certification Criteria Checklist Tracker
Yr 1 Schools - RP Growth Plan - Team Task 1 - Resource Share (Following Café 1 with your Connect RP Mentor)
Yr 1 Schools - RP Growth Plan - Team Task 2 - RP Team Testimonial (Following Café 2 with your Connect RP Mentor)
Yr 1 Schools - RP Growth Plan - Team *Leader Task 3 - RP Journey - Presentation to BOM/SLT (Following Café 3 & your Outcomes & RP School Improvement Plan Meeting)
Planning & Implementation Overview (School/ UBUNTU Team- Directed)
Complete Overview (Broken into 5 Sections below - UTL & 4 Subgroups)
UBUNTU Team Leader - Key docs & guide
Overview of Resources, Links, Supports & Potential Implementation Pathways for Leading an UBUNTU Team
Roles & Responsibilities
UBUNTU Team Planning Meetings Template
RP SIP (School Improvement Plan) Meetings with assigned Connect RP Mentor
Wheel of RP Staff Engagement
Subgroup / Category One - Visuals & Environment
Overview of Resources, Links, Supports & Potential Implementation Pathways for Visuals & Environment
Notice Board - Print Me (Social Media/ Platform Log in / Password reset)
1 page What is RP? Doc - staffroom/substitute teachers/teacher induction
Visual Reminder to Support Staff to Log in / if they forgot password - Email me / Print & Pin me up!
Posters - Notice Board - Print & Post Me
Proudly a Connect RP School Logo - for journals / teacher handbooks etc.
Student Journal/Website/Policy Intro - Blurb that schools can adapt to introduce RP
Website Badge
Email signature badge & PDF Explainer to share with staff/others
Displays - Values Light the Way!
Value Celebration - Light it Up!
Resource Celebration Station - timetabled staffroom initiative involving RP Resources & sweets!
Reflection (Email / Staff RP notice board/ weekly invitation))
Weekly Quests
*new - What is RP All About? (descriptive poster)
*new - What is RP (image & PDF?)
*Problem Solving Wheel on Yard
Subgroup / Category Two- Staff
Overview of Resources, Links, Supports & Potential Implementation Pathways for Working with Staff
Wheel of Staff RP Engagement
How do I get Staff / New Staff Signed up to the Platform?
New Staff Induction / Staff Hire - Outline of Restorative Me
How Relational Am I? (pre & post study survey)
Quote of the Week - Displays/ Notice Boards/ Doorways (NEW PDFS)
Weekly Connect RP Twinkles -Shared via email every week & need an internal 'Star Twinkler' on UBUNTU Team to print and promote
Resource of the Week (email / pin / encourage engagement)
RP & AEN - SNA Study & Reflection Group (Student Profile RP Passport)
Flyer for SNA interactive, online PLC
Flyer for SLT interactive, online x 3 & Face to Face x 2 Day Gatherings
Bee RP Hive - Calendar Template for Scheduling
What will Staff See when they are signed up to the platform?
*Working Restoratively as a Staff - creating a staff/team charter
*10 min Try problem Solving (groups of 3-4)
Subgroup / Category Three - Promoting RP with Students
Overview of Resources, Links, Supports & Potential Implementation Pathways for Working with Students
RP for Students - 10 part curriculum programme
RP for Students - *Ordering a Hardcopy of the Student Journal (*optional)
Flyer to advertise the Student Curriculum Programmes for Teachers in your school
Student Curriculum Programmes - Check In & Review Process
Introduce new RP Mentor Belonging Programme
RP Walk / RP Celebration Stations (way to pre-teach / consolidate the values on curriculum programme)
Ideas for Building Restorative Literacy and Leadership amongst Students
Emotional Literacy Development Plan (primary school) - Naas CNS
On a Bright Note (student cert to promote & celebrate the values)
Create Lanyards for the Yard (Share from heart / be the star listener)
Love Bomb Week (UBUNTU/ Kindness/ Frienship/ other.. Week)
* new St. Gabriel's National School - Love Bomb Week Plan & Artwork
*RP Awareness Week - Giraffe Posters (Bremore ETSS Example PPT)
Peace walk / area
Friendship Week - Bishop Shanahan NS
Love Bomb Week - 2 Min Video for Inspiration! (1:50)
Make an Action Plan!
Student Focussed Activities - Love Bomb Activity Board
Student Love-Bomb Teachers/SNAs/Secretary/ SLTs / Caretaker - others!
Students Sparkle Train! (Invite teachers to facilitate this / model with staff 1st)
Working Restoratively as a Class- creating a class charter
*Assembly RP Nuggets/Quote/Thought of the Week Ideas
*Create Video Testimonials - 2 examples here (Connect RP Team can help you edit) (7:10)
*Relationship Bingo PDF - UBUNTU Week /making connections activity
*Morning Check-Ins - 1-9 pictures - (created & shared by St. Finians)
* PPT to Explain for RP is to Students
Subgroup / Category Four - Sharing RP with other stakeholders
Overview of Resources, Links, Supports & Potential Implementation Pathways for Working with Other Stakeholders
Surveys & Capturing Impact
Where are we and where are we going? Implementation - Readiness for Implementation Survey
Needs Assessment Survey (Linking with Desired Outcomes of RP to shape RP SIP)
Leadership Outcomes Survey (for RP Student Mentors delivering the RP Student Mentor Programme)).pdf
Belonging Outcomes Survey (for students experiencing the RP Student Mentor Programme)).pdf
How relational am I? (Teacher self-Review Survey)
Self Review Questionnaire for Senior Leaders.pdf
* PPT to Explain for RP is to Students
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