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Getting Started as a Restorative Us Team Leader - Planning, Prep & Guidelines
Section 1 - The Framework (an Overview of the 3 Pillars of Restorative Us)
Framework of 3 Pillars Unpacked (mentoring, resourcing and measuring)
Team Overview - Roles & Responsibilities & Who might be on a team?
Connect RP Keywords Legend (Restorative Us)
Section 2 - The Journey of a Restorative Us Team
Flowchart of the 8 Month Mentored Journey
Operational Scheduling for Team Leader 2024-2025
Digital Portfolio & Certification Criteria Checklist Tracker
Section 3 - RP Growth Plan - Lead by the Team
Team Task 1 - Resource Share (Following Café 1 with your Connect RP Mentor)
Team Task 2 - RP Team Testimonial (Following Café 2 with your Connect RP Mentor) * Examples of video testimonials some schools created (7:10)
Team *Leader Task 3 - RP Journey - Presentation to BOM/SLT (Following Café 3
Team Pack!
Soft copy of posters to print locally if desired
Team Task 2 - RP Team Testimonial (Following Café 2 with your Connect RP Mentor) * Examples of video testimonials some schools created
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